Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native 1994


Reddleman Diggory Venn drives slowly across the heath, carrying a hidden passenger in the back of his van. When darkness falls, the country folk light bonfires on the hills, emphasizing the pagan spirit of the heath and its denizens.

Tutti i titoli
  • US: The Return of the Native The Return of the Native
  • BR: O Retorno de um Nativo O Retorno de um Nativo
  • CA: Retour au pays natal Retour au pays natal
  • PL: Miłość z wrzosowiska Miłość z wrzosowiska
  • RU: Возвращение домой Возвращение домой
  • ES: El regreso del nativo El regreso del nativo
  • US: Hallmark Hall of Fame: The Return of the Native (#44.1) Hallmark Hall of Fame: The Return of the Native (#44.1)
  • US: The Return of the Native The Return of the Native
Data di rilascio 04 Dec 1994
Link IMDb


Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native 1994