Faster Blade, Poisonous Darts 1969

So Xiao Shek (Meng Fei) learns HE is systematically murdering other Martial Artists. While searching for the real killer, he encounters an old love and her spouse (Leung Kar Yun) whom someone hopes will eliminate So.

Tutti i titoli
  • TW: Mie men zhi huo Mie men zhi huo
  • HK: Shen diao ying hung Shen diao ying hung
  • TW: Great Massacre Great Massacre
  • TW: Sheng-piao Hero Sheng-piao Hero
  • US: Avenging Eagle Avenging Eagle
  • TW: Shaolin Hero Shaolin Hero
Data di rilascio 05 Jun 1982
Link IMDb
